signature=f4d178e7ad48c68759122cbadf6ccfcc,Internal Digital Signature Enables Data Protection

news/2025/2/23 16:34:43


Intraperitoneal injection of Leu-enkephalin (LENK, 10 or 7.5 mg/kg) induced bidirectional modulation of natural cytotoxic activities in spleens of CBA mice (suppression followed by enhancement). NK-cytotoxic activity was more affected than the ADCC. Early suppression of NK activity could be reversed by 4 x M excess of naloxone injected 20 min before LENK, suggesting that the suppression was mediated by opioid receptors. Subsequent increase of NK activity could not be abrogated by naloxone, at least not completely. Naloxone itself decreased NK activity 12 hours after treatment, but enhanced ADCC at 24 and 48 hours. This increase was abrogated by LENK. In addition to functional alterations, LENK also induced phenotypic changes of spleen cells, i.e. a decrease in the percentage of asialo-GM-1+ cells 24 hours posttreatment. There was no correlation between LENK-induced alterations of cytotoxic function and the percentage of cells with NK phenotype (GM-1+). Thus, LENK modulates cytolytic functions and the phenotype of NK cells in vivo in a complex way, which besides opioid mechanisms may also include non-opioid ones.



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